Tuesday, May 12, 2015


Today, Tuesday, is my 5th day of Mat Leave.

It was another good day. Gorgeous out - 80+ degrees and sunny for the most part.

I bagged my dreams of making homemade chocolate croissants after seeing I'd need to purchase a kitchen scale as well as a dough hook for my Cuisinart or hand mixer. There were just one too many steps on top of that…now is not the time.

SO! Instead - I used up all the brown, frozen bananas in the fridge and made 3 loaves of banana bread. 2 for us, 1 for my family - I'll bake that one tomorrow so I can bring it upstate with me on Thursday. Something funky happened with my first loaf - maybe the baking soda is too old, or maybe it is just undercooked…it's delicious but Johnny is going to kill me because it seems really underdone and he is trying to protect me from myself in terms of what I put into my belly while pregnant. I think it's ok.

Also ran some errands - finally found something at Michelle NYC on Atlantic that I think my mom will like (this is going back to store credit I had there since the old days of Stuck & Dry - Feb 2014). I also got a gift for my sis there, for her 40th bday on Sunday. The events just keep coming! I haven't even mentioned that I have my 20th high school reunion on Saturday…looking forward to with dread.

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